Phonologocal awareness in foreign language: Characteristics and relationships with literacy skills in adult japanese english-learners
Okumura Y, Kita Y 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (2019 ESCoP)
Motor skills do not affect the choice of action in children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Kita Y, Shirakawa Y, Suzuki K, Egashira Y, Kaga Y, Kitamura Y, Nishimura Y, Yamashita Y, Inagaki M 21st Confer […]
Catechol O-methyltransferase polymorphism affects Movement ABC-2 performance profile
Kita Y, Suzuki K, Shirakawa Y, Kaga Y, Kitamura Y, Arakaki K, Mitsuhashi S, Okuzumi H, Inagaki M 13th Internat […]
Disinhibition in children with ADHD: Simultaneous study fNIRS and ERPs in Go/NoGo task
Kaga Y, Ueda R, Tanaka M, Kita Y, Suzuki K, Okumura Y, Mitsuhashi S, Kitamura Y, Nakagawa E, Inagaki M fNIRS
Enhanced pitch discrimination ability in Williams syndrome: A case study with newly – invented non – verbal assessment
Kitamura Y, Kita Y, Okumura Y, Nakamura M, Inagaki M, Okuzumi H, Ishikawa Y 15th International Conference on M […]