Quantifying distractibility in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Attentional capture by salient and attractive distractors
Okumura Y, Kita Y, Suzuki K, Inagaki M 31st International Congress of Psychology
Reliability and validity of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition checklist: a preliminary study on the Japanese children
Kita Y, Inagaki M, Nakai A 31st International Congress of Psychology
Involvement of frontal activities in proactive inhibition depends on the proportion of incompatible stimuli: a simultaneous EEG and NIRS study
Suzuki K, Okumura Y, Kita Y, Oi Y, Shinoda H, Inagaki M 31st International Congress of Psychology
Magnocellular function in children with developmental dyslexia
Kita Y, Yamamoto H, Hanakawa T, Inagaki M The 5th memorial IBIC international symposium
Types of encoding in spatial working memory modulates prefrontal activities in the human brain
Oi Y, Kita Y, Suzuki K, Okumura, Y, Okuzumi H, Shinoda, H, Inagaki M The 12th International Congress of Physio […]
自主シンポジウム17: 特別支援教育における発達障害への実験的接近(2)–自閉症スペクトラム障害児の高次認知機能—
北洋輔, 平田正吾, 池田吉史, 横田晋務, 岡耕平, 軍司敦子 日本特殊教育学会第53回大会
A preliminary study of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition on Japanese children: Age Band 2.
Kita Y, Hirata S, Suzuki K, Sakihara K, Inagaki M, Nakai A The 11th International Conference on Developmental […]