発達障害の病態生理: 発達性読み書き障害の音韻操作時脳機能. シンポジウムII 小児の認知・情動発達-発達障害を理解するために-
稲垣真澄, 北洋輔, 後藤隆章, 山本寿子, 加我牧子 第18回認知神経科学会学術集会
Self-face recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Kita Y, Gunji A, Inoue Y, Goto T, Sakihara K, Kaga M, Inagaki M, Hosokawa T 第54回日本小児神経学会総会
音韻処理中の前頭前野脳血流変化: Optical encephalographyを用いた定型発達児の検討
後藤隆章, 北洋輔, 小池敏英, 稲垣真澄 40回日本臨床神経生理学術大会
Facial cognition in autistic children. 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology
Gunji A, Kita Y, Sakihara K, Inoue Y, Kaga M, Inagaki M 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiolog […]
Magnocellular VEP in dyslexics
Inagaki M, Yamazaki H, Kobayashi T, Kita Y, Yatabe K, Gunji A, Kaga M 29th International Congress of Clinical […]
Discrimination of one’s own face and familiar face in children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD): an event related potential (ERP) study.
Gunji A, Inoue Y, Kita Y, Sakihara K, Kaga M, Inagaki M 11th International Congress of Child Neurology
Self-other discrimination of face in children with autism: an event related potentials (ERPs) study.
Gunji A, Furushima W, Inoue Y, Sakihara K, Kita Y, Kaga M, Inagaki M Neuroscience 2009-SfN’s (Society for Neur […]
VEPs elicited by sinusoidal grating stimuli with low spatial frequency.
Yamazaki H, Chai Y, Yatabe K, Kita Y, Gunji A, Kaga M, Inagaki M 47th ISCEV Symposium 2009-International Socie […]